Now I'm at the ending of this book and I have to say that this book was good but the ending I didn't like the author of this book should be so mortifyed for this ending, now lets start the starting of this book start off with mac saying he retiring but until his school gets attacked and when I mean attafked I mean sabotage by this other middle school and their leader who has his own bisness is named jimmy and he has a big bossiness until staples their own nemesis who had reurned told mac that their is a really huge bissness but it was in a elementary school but when he entered what he didn't know was that all of the elementary kids were Part of the secret society in the school so what they did was they all decided to get him in trouble to let the teachers know and when the teachers came what happend was mac tried to say he was part of this school but their were some kids who said "no he's not" and when the teacher took him in the school to call his school to get him expelled or suspended until he was saved (not by the the bell) by this unknown student who was telling him to run as the student who was throwing water balloons at the teacher so mac ran and hid in a room full with bosses and when to teachers came walking in looking for him...... sorry just read the book for your self to find out if he gets suspended or expelled.
Spoiler alert 🚨 if you can get my lucky number in the comments down below 1-10 I'll let you know. Stay in touch bye thanks for viewing.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Positive change
Here I'm going to describe
To you what positive change mean What is positive change well positive change is basically like you doing something really,big and kind that changes a persons life and also the next question is really confuseing i do not know what empower means and I just looked it up and what I think it means to empower someone is to give them power like give a person a turn let others Lead their way to victory and give the, activism let them have their own active mind like talents my talent is bike ride, really good at video games, and also I'm positive thank for viewing.
To you what positive change mean What is positive change well positive change is basically like you doing something really,big and kind that changes a persons life and also the next question is really confuseing i do not know what empower means and I just looked it up and what I think it means to empower someone is to give them power like give a person a turn let others Lead their way to victory and give the, activism let them have their own active mind like talents my talent is bike ride, really good at video games, and also I'm positive thank for viewing.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Spring is in the air
This is a late blog post and what I'm about to say is that over the summer I'm lazy so what I'm gonna do over the summer is play video games and what I mean by that is going to video game converters getting season passes Euclidean deals and entering in a video game tournaments and Also I'm gonna be doing a lot of thing over summer like going to diffrent locations like westconsin dells or a golfing or laser tagging like I'm gonna go to all of these fun little places and it's gonna be great because of how many p fun and exciting adventures their are gonna be and I'm gonna be happy when I get off of summer to go to high school which is my freshmen year and describe to everyone on how exciteing it was.
Stereotypes, how it is effecting our world
The worst stereotypes ever what I personally think is when it goes out to something you care about or if it goes out to you it isn't just race it's also gender example like boys and girls their are some men and boys who think their stronger than a girl but I know you don't really hear a girl saying girls are stronger than boys but not strong the script flips and says like boys are really dumb at rembering adversary's and yes their are men and women who think that and also you see how I use the term men and women their are people who use women and men also on how we use "he" a lot people even use "he" when they're have a baby.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Another human rights
now this is about human rights if everyone has human rights then why do kids everyday get kidnap why are they forced to do things they never have done or know that it's wrong why do people take away their human rights and take a way their child hood why do people take advantage why is it fair for you to have all of these rights but when a child says no you act like they have no rights to you to me to all we sometimes think we are this or that but truely we are all the same and if you take somebody's rights away think about if it were you in a chair and people called out all of these bad things that have happened and you were blamed for it and you couldn't speak because your rights were taken away but it's not just a hate crime against other humans it's against animals and everything you are you.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Fourth stall part 2
now this book. Really confused me and I'm still trying to get to the main point but overall it's a good book a lot of weird funny actions going on around and I'm on part three for now and also their this one mystery that really took a term where kids would find rat poop in their lockers and the thing is their lockers don't even have holes in them someone in the school was breaking into people's lockers and putting poop in their and it really got people mad and shook his bisness because he runs that business and he's suppose to help anyone with their problems but over all a really good book I would recommend you read this.
Spring break blog
this is a short blog but my spring break I was lazy I nevered really did anything but go and wash laundry and after that all I did was sleep like bear sleeping over the winter and when I did I was so mad to go back to school well that's it sorry for the short blog.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Life is beautiful
Now similaritys the simmilaritys of this movie was that it was similar to yesterday's trip becaeuse the woman said that she was hideing and she was found out by a Russian army and the boy in the movie was found out by an American army but it was also amazing and yet sad because the father died trying get the mother out of the women's cell but it was horrible because he was a great father and my question is why did he have to died.
Differences it was just the boy who was founded out by the American army it was he lost someone and the lady who was hide inn she didn't loose anyone but also I wonder if this movie was based on a true story because if it was the father is a hero he saved the little boys life and the sence where the little girl had the kitten I wonder if the kitten survived tho.
But here's my question was the family even Jewish because I think I had missed a part because last time I recalled they were Italian right but it confuses me a lot but the movie I have so many questions like I wonder if at the end the nazis left the Jewish people alone and tried to kill as many Jews as they can because either hitler committed suicide or because the American troops were suspecting something and decided to come over
The movie over all was good and I really liked it and I hope to see a part two on where this movie is going because the ending was nice but I wanna know what happened on with their lives where did they continue to go to after that movement One example on why it's good is because of the way it was portrayed and how it was planed out and how the love we flowing through it .
Differences it was just the boy who was founded out by the American army it was he lost someone and the lady who was hide inn she didn't loose anyone but also I wonder if this movie was based on a true story because if it was the father is a hero he saved the little boys life and the sence where the little girl had the kitten I wonder if the kitten survived tho.
But here's my question was the family even Jewish because I think I had missed a part because last time I recalled they were Italian right but it confuses me a lot but the movie I have so many questions like I wonder if at the end the nazis left the Jewish people alone and tried to kill as many Jews as they can because either hitler committed suicide or because the American troops were suspecting something and decided to come over
The movie over all was good and I really liked it and I hope to see a part two on where this movie is going because the ending was nice but I wanna know what happened on with their lives where did they continue to go to after that movement One example on why it's good is because of the way it was portrayed and how it was planed out and how the love we flowing through it .
Monday, March 27, 2017
A slice of life blog
This is just a little slice of what happened in my life which is one thing call movies it's how I'm a really Hugh fan of Godzilla it happened when I saw the movie Godzilla then god zilla vs King Kong and Godzilla vs robot god zilla basically I saw a lot of Godzilla moves their was even one where Godzilla had a baby and it talked and made friends with a little boy and also Godzilla basically my favorite monster of all time but I never got to see the last known movie about him that came out years or months ago.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Picture explanation
Now I don't really know how to explain this picture but what I do know is why is the guy on the right being starved to death plus it looks like he's has no gender and secondly why the people on the left look like their be transported into a killing camp and also this picture defines the word torture and it's very brutal too it's just sad.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
The fourth stall blog
Now the book is about this boy named mac and he runs a business up in the fourth stall of his school and he can help anybody's problems that they have but until one day he meets this guy named staples and staples is a really bad guy so Mac tries to stop him when in meanwhile he has to deal with a snitch in his group which is also a really big problem and it's really surprising when you figure it out too and I would recommend it to people who love action and mysteries.
Where I'm from
Came from an disgrace.
In my profundity mind.
Inside I find disappointment
That I think these dark thinks that only happens
in so many years
But why are there so many questions
Why do I narration what's going on in my head
Why do I keep asking questions why do I keep
on repeating the same thing.
But in the end I to noticed how much
Cliche happens In my mind
But how how much can an human think
How many hours does an human have to wait
How many times do we never have too care about anything.
Came from an disgrace.
In my profundity mind.
Inside I find disappointment
That I think these dark thinks that only happens
in so many years
But why are there so many questions
Why do I narration what's going on in my head
Why do I keep asking questions why do I keep
on repeating the same thing.
But in the end I to noticed how much
Cliche happens In my mind
But how how much can an human think
How many hours does an human have to wait
How many times do we never have too care about anything.
Holocaust unit blog
Sunday, March 5, 2017
1 thing that I regret
Something I regret doing is way back when I was little I was in kindergarten and we were on a brake for Halloween and I remembered the day when my big sisters best friend came over and once she came over I was treating her very bad I think that was the most person who I've evened treated bad before any ways let's get over with it, it happens at night time when she came over, and I think my mother,sister,me and my sisters friend were just their, and how did I feel, well right after hours and hours of me being mean my mother told me to go somewhere else because I needed to calm down because I was also really mean at sharing my Halloween candy, and after all that commotion I took a time out and eventually I realized how much of a brat I was being and when I came back to try to apologize and share some of my candy my sister friend was gone and I ask where she go and my sister told me that she left because of how mean I was, and I didn't even say goodbye and later on that night when it was bed time I felt sad really sad and mortified also I think I cried a little but I regret that day I regret it all if I could go back I would be as nice as I could to my sisters friend because after that day I don't think I ever saw her again and the last thing I left to her was a really mean little boy, and like I said I regret that day and I'm very sorry for how she rememberes me like That too.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Who would you meet dead or alive?
would would I like to meet dead or alive I would choose Hillary Clinton why? Because I would just like to meet her.what would we do together we would probably see all of her normal daily activities what would I ask Hillary I would ask Hillary what would you do if you were president?i think she's worth seeing because I would like to recommend that her life has been on tv a lot and to spice it up for running for president I would just like to meet her and watch over her life now because what now what else their is.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
What is happy
Happy is eating breakfast twice
Happy is getting a new car
Happy is coming home and final getting some rest
Happy is playing video games
Happy is money
Happy is family
Happy is spending time holidays
Happy is feeling like you can do anything
Happy is all of those thing you love combined
Happy is knowing that your not alone
Happy is being alive
Happy is knowing where you come from
Happy is helping others
Happy is find the last hot pocket in the fridge
Happy making a new friend
Happy is haveing a new member in your family
Happy is making others feel good
Happy is ice cream
Happy is getting an A+ on a test
Happy is haveing close friends willing to help you complete your homework (the number 1 best of all the things that make me and you happy).
Happy is getting a new car
Happy is coming home and final getting some rest
Happy is playing video games
Happy is money
Happy is family
Happy is spending time holidays
Happy is feeling like you can do anything
Happy is all of those thing you love combined
Happy is knowing that your not alone
Happy is being alive
Happy is knowing where you come from
Happy is helping others
Happy is find the last hot pocket in the fridge
Happy making a new friend
Happy is haveing a new member in your family
Happy is making others feel good
Happy is ice cream
Happy is getting an A+ on a test
Happy is haveing close friends willing to help you complete your homework (the number 1 best of all the things that make me and you happy).
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Blog perserverance
This blog is about how my life has some similarities to Nick Vujicic life even tho he has no arms and no legs now he perserverance through his life just like how I had persevered through my life because I had gotten my left leg into so many cast and one time the doctor told me that it might be cancer and or the leg might have to be amputated because something was causeing these injuries but it turns out I got lucky and my leg it would just slow down my running speed because if I run to much it will hurt no matter what then I will start limping but another thing that nick did is have confidence in himself and I did to because when I got back into school people felt bad for me and gave me confidence and everyday on the play ground my friends would play tag and when I was it they would slow down for me and the final thing that me and nick have in common is be who you are and I did for a very long time and because of my leg injury everyone was just so nice to me and I even made new friends because most of the students in my class didn't break thier leg 3 times and they were asking so many questions and I answered them all and I even remembered that when my leg was healing i was in my house I had to get home schooled and one time I had forgotten that every Friday we would do art in the class and my homeschooled teacher brought these cards from have of my class and it was get well soon and hope you feel better and I read them all and they all made me happy and that's another thing that I have in commom with nick.
Monday, February 13, 2017
My favorite NFL commercial
My favorite NFL commercial is heros journey and I think the message that it's trying to tell me or everyone that it's not just your life that matters because the only reason you are living because of the the animals because how will get cures from animals and give them to human and whales and rings are amazing creatures and trees give you air and people are cutting them down and also ice caps that's part of our climate and then we're gonna have global warming but in ice so what I truly think the message is everything matter if it's part of life and this message is important because well think about it if thier were no more whales how will your future children go to the aquarium and see no more whales. No more trees no more life no more ice caps no more houses due to hurricanes no more rhinos no more looking at thier really cool horns.and I like I said I think thier just trying to reach everyone with this message think the intended response is my very first answer on the first question
Thank for viewing bye.
Thank for viewing bye.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
A few tips to our new president
This is gonna be a short blog post so here we go.
Mr president it's gonna be a very hard job for you so what I need you to do is take a look at our last president when he was elected young, fresh, new and take a look at him now gray hair really and a lot on his mind and is trusting you to lead his spot now and your gonna do the same thing because when your time is over your gonna be very worn out because you need to make a yearly speech (I think) and your gonna get so many request and bills mostly daily and my tip for you is you have everyone on your back and everyone depend on you to lead us all in the USA and my tip for you is don't mess up and figure out what's best for you and the USA citizens because you can't just quit you have to play your part and no matter what don't give up just make sure that you don't make any mistakes thank you.
Mr president it's gonna be a very hard job for you so what I need you to do is take a look at our last president when he was elected young, fresh, new and take a look at him now gray hair really and a lot on his mind and is trusting you to lead his spot now and your gonna do the same thing because when your time is over your gonna be very worn out because you need to make a yearly speech (I think) and your gonna get so many request and bills mostly daily and my tip for you is you have everyone on your back and everyone depend on you to lead us all in the USA and my tip for you is don't mess up and figure out what's best for you and the USA citizens because you can't just quit you have to play your part and no matter what don't give up just make sure that you don't make any mistakes thank you.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
What makes me happy
this will be a VERY short blog on 1 thing that makes me happy and the one thing is everything, what I mean is when I come to school I try not to bother anyone but when I'm minding my own day and you know everything's going well and I'm just in my own zone I'm just chill at the start and for some reason it just starts a smile on my face and sometimes even at the end of the day I go home smiling and happy welp that's it.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Argument and solutions
This is a very, very, very, short arguement that I had with my mother and stepdad about mind your own business it started a very, very, very long time ago in the car when my mom and step dad were talking and I just decided to try to get into the conversation by just saying "what" and "who" or "what are guys talking about" and when I said that my mom and stepdad said mind your own business and I didn't do that so I just decided to proceed and keep on asking "what are you talking about" until my stepdad told me it's not your business and when he said that I Romberg saying I just wanna know what your talking about and he said well no you know and I rember saying why and he said because sometimes you need to just shut up and I think I said that's not fair and he said life not fair and when we finally got to the house my lesson was not to intrude into people's conversations.
Book reflection part two
now this time this is a really old book and I am really rusty at remembering what happened in the book so I'll just tell out all of the information that I know about it The book is called the dagger x now it's mostly about this boy named kitto and from the start of the story kitto has a bad dream about him and his father on a boat is the sea and it's really stormy and raining hard outside and kitto and his father are both inside of the ship in the lower deck and what happens is kitto has one leg and has a cane to help him walk and when he's holding the gun he is struggleing to take and shot because thiers another captain who boarded their ship and killed all thier men and right now he's trying to kill his father with a knife and his father is screaming "Shoot Him Boy Shoot Him." "Shoot Shoot Kill Him Kitto NOW!." But until kitto gets scared and why because he nevered killed a man and he nevered wanted to kill a man and as his father is screaming kill him kill him kitty nevered did and in the book I'm sure it said "kitto had failed his father" now lets fast forward all the way to when he meets
dagger x when Carey's him towards the end of the book because the book is very long and you're gonna have to read it it for your self to find out now dagger x was a very crazy captian but everyone else was ok with each other and would never argue so dagger would always go on adventures to get food because they had a shorteds of food and would always struggle to find some and until one day they picked up a crocodile the was very big and dagger x loved that crocodile but it was freaking everyone out and was possible killing people and it ended up with kitto and the crew separating from each other cause of the crocodile kitty is then forced to live on his own until he finds his cousin who was a former slave for taking care of a slave baby and then once kitto is reunited with him family he then just live his life out with them.
Now my perspective is that the book was very confusing I saw a lot of conflit that didn't make sense to me but it was a nice ending but I was still confused on why they just didn't kill the crocodile when it was more of them and just one animal on the boat and like I said I really don't remember much about the book so I tried to remember as much as I can but I do hate that kittos cusin was captured and forced into slavery for take king care of a slave baby and I just re breed that she was caught with the baby and kittos sister caught her with the baby and I rembered that she said "but your a kid your so young" and I was shocked to but thankfully the sister didn't tell and no body didn't tell later on in the story when they found out she had a slave baby well that's all I have for now thanks for viewing.
dagger x when Carey's him towards the end of the book because the book is very long and you're gonna have to read it it for your self to find out now dagger x was a very crazy captian but everyone else was ok with each other and would never argue so dagger would always go on adventures to get food because they had a shorteds of food and would always struggle to find some and until one day they picked up a crocodile the was very big and dagger x loved that crocodile but it was freaking everyone out and was possible killing people and it ended up with kitto and the crew separating from each other cause of the crocodile kitty is then forced to live on his own until he finds his cousin who was a former slave for taking care of a slave baby and then once kitto is reunited with him family he then just live his life out with them.
Now my perspective is that the book was very confusing I saw a lot of conflit that didn't make sense to me but it was a nice ending but I was still confused on why they just didn't kill the crocodile when it was more of them and just one animal on the boat and like I said I really don't remember much about the book so I tried to remember as much as I can but I do hate that kittos cusin was captured and forced into slavery for take king care of a slave baby and I just re breed that she was caught with the baby and kittos sister caught her with the baby and I rembered that she said "but your a kid your so young" and I was shocked to but thankfully the sister didn't tell and no body didn't tell later on in the story when they found out she had a slave baby well that's all I have for now thanks for viewing.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Book reflection
Today I would like to talk about one of my finished books that I've have read, it's called Ellen degeneres and its mostly about the tv star Ellen who has her own show, wrote a book talking about how she got famous and what inspirations she did to leave her mark on the world as she blows fans away with her wonderful story's,so I'll just go over the basics one when she was little she got pick on a lot for being gay and was very sad but at the moment when ever she came back home she would play her favorite game that would make her happy it was called uno and she would always play it with her mom and stepdad but until one day uno was no longer a saver to her depression until when Ellen's mother was really sick she stood next to her side for days and weeks and it got even worst when Ellen's mother was asleep Ellen's step father one day sexually molested Ellen when her mom was asleep one day it terrified Ellen and she was so confused but when her mother was finally all better the man left forever gone and Ellen's mother and Ellen would always cry everyday knowing how much both of thier haerts are broken, fast forward into when she started to do stand up comedy that was when it sparked her idea to go on national tv which then she presumed her dreams of becoming Ellen on the ellen show.
Now my perspective my thoughts on this book is one it's a good book but my question is why dose the story sound so chleche: I grew up was bullied and came home one small moment turned into a big movement which I shall remember for the rest of my life(uno), changed my life came out to everyone and everyone excepted me the I went to my dreams met new people who helped me get to my dreams and The world finally recognized me for my talent and the struggles I went through and now the world wants to here what I say, I say it they want more I create my own tv show and it dose well and has like 11 seasons and I'm on YouTube,facebook,twitter,istantgram,vine,everything,and I have a tone of fans that are inspired by me. Now you see what I mean secondly is why did she want to make a
book what made her do it if she already spread the word I guess the book is suppose to keep a memorie of her remarkable words.
Now my perspective my thoughts on this book is one it's a good book but my question is why dose the story sound so chleche: I grew up was bullied and came home one small moment turned into a big movement which I shall remember for the rest of my life(uno), changed my life came out to everyone and everyone excepted me the I went to my dreams met new people who helped me get to my dreams and The world finally recognized me for my talent and the struggles I went through and now the world wants to here what I say, I say it they want more I create my own tv show and it dose well and has like 11 seasons and I'm on YouTube,facebook,twitter,istantgram,vine,everything,and I have a tone of fans that are inspired by me. Now you see what I mean secondly is why did she want to make a
book what made her do it if she already spread the word I guess the book is suppose to keep a memorie of her remarkable words.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Fake it till you become it blog.
This blog post is mostly about where and how do you get out of your comfort zone and how do you get comfortable when your in a situation where your afraid to mess up let's say like a job interview, well here's how I get comfortable.
First when I'm at home I just start acting who I really am and get out or in my comfort zone whenever I want to you could probably relate to this you know you just got back home from school your tired but luckily you have no homework so you be you and your parents ask you what you want for dinner and you say a feast or just want a whole but of food but wait we are talking about the aspects of your life and my aspects is my home because anywhere I go I'm very quiet and never act my self I act like a person that people would say "your so behaved I bet your a really good child" when at home your just what your family really knows about you I'm sure you can also relate to that.
Next is where do you really find the confident boose I mostly feel my boose when I've done somthing for 100's of time and I'm doing it again, or when I'm doing a solo project when I have to present my project to the whole class by myself until you realizes that most of your class mates have the same project as you then your just thinking this is a pice of cake I'm sure you can relate to this to oh and my question for you is when do you get your confident boose?
Finally is fake it till you become it now I would start with fake it till you make it you know why because this is just a start up or a demo for fake it till you become it and this is only for the people that have nevered really raised thier hand in class or nevered tried for after school or a job or standing up to a microphone and speaking out the truth I can relate to all of that because that has happened to me before when I was in the 5th grade and I passed my next stop was middle school and when I first
got their I started to get really lazy and less self confidence and every single time my mom told me to go outside I was would just say no and get more lazy everyday and that's why I want you to fake it till you make it becaus once you get the confidence then you can fake it till you become it.
First when I'm at home I just start acting who I really am and get out or in my comfort zone whenever I want to you could probably relate to this you know you just got back home from school your tired but luckily you have no homework so you be you and your parents ask you what you want for dinner and you say a feast or just want a whole but of food but wait we are talking about the aspects of your life and my aspects is my home because anywhere I go I'm very quiet and never act my self I act like a person that people would say "your so behaved I bet your a really good child" when at home your just what your family really knows about you I'm sure you can also relate to that.
Next is where do you really find the confident boose I mostly feel my boose when I've done somthing for 100's of time and I'm doing it again, or when I'm doing a solo project when I have to present my project to the whole class by myself until you realizes that most of your class mates have the same project as you then your just thinking this is a pice of cake I'm sure you can relate to this to oh and my question for you is when do you get your confident boose?
Finally is fake it till you become it now I would start with fake it till you make it you know why because this is just a start up or a demo for fake it till you become it and this is only for the people that have nevered really raised thier hand in class or nevered tried for after school or a job or standing up to a microphone and speaking out the truth I can relate to all of that because that has happened to me before when I was in the 5th grade and I passed my next stop was middle school and when I first
got their I started to get really lazy and less self confidence and every single time my mom told me to go outside I was would just say no and get more lazy everyday and that's why I want you to fake it till you make it becaus once you get the confidence then you can fake it till you become it.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Throw back Thursday blog
For this blog I'm going to tell you a child hood memory well for starters when I was 4 or 3 thier was movie called King Kong and Godzilla vs King Kong well I was a huge fan for Godzilla and King Kong and I'm still am, but I watch a lot of movies and one day when I got this toy for Christmas it was a miniature King Kong toy and which is also the cause of why I have so many wrinkles on my hand till now because as soon as I got it no matter how many days,weeks,months,and maybe even a year I never let go of that toy you can ask anybody in my family and they will tell you because I took it everywhere I went even if I was eating I never let it go I always kept it with me even if I sleep.
Until one day my mom took me out to go eat with the family at a restaurant and they even let pets in and my uncle brought his dog with him and when we were done eating I remember walking down the street with my mom with the toy in my hand to the car until my uncles dog notice the toy and when he did he charge right at me knocked me Down on the side walk and started to chew my toy and when my uncle got me up and the dog it turns out the dog broke my toys arm off and all of a sudden the whole toy was just gone and you could already know that I was crying by then but I was three or four by then but when I happened my uncle was so mad at the dog and after that a few months later when my mom was getting me a toy out of toys r us at night she couldn't find the same toy but she found a better toy a free toy that the guy gave to her for free a transformer it was bumble bee and that's also why my favorite color is yellow plus it could turn into a car and back nad I also got addicted to that toy also until I lost it and got another one at 5 years old on my birthday which was way better and until I got the toy boaters which was really big and is in my basement right now. Thanks for viewing.
Until one day my mom took me out to go eat with the family at a restaurant and they even let pets in and my uncle brought his dog with him and when we were done eating I remember walking down the street with my mom with the toy in my hand to the car until my uncles dog notice the toy and when he did he charge right at me knocked me Down on the side walk and started to chew my toy and when my uncle got me up and the dog it turns out the dog broke my toys arm off and all of a sudden the whole toy was just gone and you could already know that I was crying by then but I was three or four by then but when I happened my uncle was so mad at the dog and after that a few months later when my mom was getting me a toy out of toys r us at night she couldn't find the same toy but she found a better toy a free toy that the guy gave to her for free a transformer it was bumble bee and that's also why my favorite color is yellow plus it could turn into a car and back nad I also got addicted to that toy also until I lost it and got another one at 5 years old on my birthday which was way better and until I got the toy boaters which was really big and is in my basement right now. Thanks for viewing.
One kind thing I did this year
This post may be very short but here's one kind thing I did this year over break it started when break was almost over and we were going to a funeral and we had the whole family on this huge bus and we were all set with food, water, tvs, chargers, phones, laptops, everything and it took us the whole night to get their because the funeral was at Iowa we were from Illinois Berwyn and when it got to morning time we stoped at a fast food restaurant that serves breakfast in the morning and ate thier then each person would change into thier funeral close inside the bus bathroom and after we all got dress we started to drive at the funeral but I fell asleep on the bus because I didn't get enough sleep and when we got thier I woke up and we all got off the bus and went inside the church and few minutes later the funeral started and when it did I noticed that my mom and aunt were crying so much so I was next to my aunt and mom comforting them both making they were ok and when the funeral was over we all went to the cafeteria and ate then we went home and that was it we all quiet thy had some laughs but at the end they were all ok and yes that was the only kindful thing I could think of that I did over break and I'm so sorry that, that was the only kindful thing I did thanks for viewing.
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