Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fourth stall part 3

Now I'm at the ending of this book and I have to say that this book was good but the ending I didn't like the author of this book should be so mortifyed for this ending, now lets start the starting of this book start off with mac saying he retiring but until his school gets attacked and when I mean attafked I mean sabotage by this other middle school and their leader who has his own bisness is named jimmy and he has a big bossiness until staples their own nemesis who had reurned told mac that their is a really huge bissness but it was in a elementary school but when he entered what he didn't know was that all of the elementary kids were Part of the secret society in the school so what they did was they all decided to get him in trouble to let the teachers know and when the teachers came what happend was mac tried to say he was part of this school but their were some kids who said "no he's not" and when the teacher took him in the school to call his school to get him expelled or suspended until he was saved (not by the the bell) by this unknown student who was telling him to run as the student who was throwing water balloons at the teacher so mac ran and hid in a room full with bosses and when to teachers came walking in looking for him...... sorry just read the book for your self to find out if he gets suspended or expelled.

Spoiler alert 🚨 if you can get my lucky number in the comments down below 1-10 I'll let you know. Stay in touch bye thanks for viewing.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Positive change

Here I'm going to describe
To you what positive change mean What is positive change well positive change is basically like you doing something really,big and kind that changes a persons life and also the next question is really confuseing i do not know what empower means and I just looked it up and what I think it means to empower someone is to give them power like give a person a turn let others Lead their way to victory and give the, activism let them have their own active mind like talents my talent is bike ride, really good at video games, and also I'm positive thank for viewing.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Spring is in the air

This is a late blog post and what I'm about to say is that over the summer I'm lazy so what I'm gonna do over the summer is play video games and what I mean by that is going to video game converters getting season passes Euclidean deals and entering in a video game tournaments and Also I'm gonna be doing a lot of thing over summer like going to diffrent locations like westconsin dells or a golfing or laser tagging like I'm gonna go to all of these fun little places and it's gonna be great because of how many p fun and exciting adventures their are gonna be and I'm gonna be happy when I get off of summer to go to high school which is my freshmen year and describe to everyone on how exciteing it was.

Stereotypes, how it is effecting our world

The worst stereotypes ever what I personally think is when it goes out to something you care about or if it goes out to you it isn't just race it's also gender example like boys and girls their are some men and boys who think their stronger than a girl but I know you don't really hear a girl saying girls are stronger than boys but not strong the script flips and says like boys are really dumb at rembering adversary's and yes their are men and women who think that and also you see how I use the term men and women their are people who use women and men also on how we use "he" a lot people even use "he" when they're have a baby.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Another human rights

now this is about human rights if everyone has human rights then why do kids everyday get kidnap why are they forced to do things they never have done or know that it's wrong why do people take away their human rights and take a way their child hood why do people take advantage why is it fair for you to have all of these rights but when a child says no you act like they have no rights to you to me to all we sometimes think we are this or that but truely we are all the same and if you take somebody's rights away think about if it were you in a chair and people called out all of these bad things that have happened and you were blamed for it and you couldn't speak because your rights were taken away but it's not just a hate crime against other humans it's against animals and everything  you are you.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Fourth stall part 2

now this book. Really confused me and I'm still trying to get to the main point but overall it's a good book a lot of weird funny actions going on around and I'm on part three for now and also their this one mystery that really took a term where kids would find rat poop in their lockers and the thing is their lockers don't even have holes in them someone in the school was breaking into people's lockers and putting poop in their and it really got people mad and shook his bisness because he runs that business and he's suppose to help anyone with their problems but over all a really good book I would recommend you read this.

Spring break blog

this is a short blog but my spring break I was lazy I nevered really did anything but go and wash laundry and after that all I did was sleep like bear sleeping over the winter and when I did I was so mad to go back to school well that's it sorry for the short blog.