Wednesday, November 2, 2016

New and inproved clown news

Their have been reports of people in clown suits lurking at night time and sometimes in the morning but might carry a weapon the people that are in clown suits are more likely to be a teenager in 14 up to 17 or even a grownup up in their 20s to 27 depending their height or tone of voice especially in the rare places like in the desert or in the woods and even in abandoned places, but what's happening in these situations with the clown encounters is that people are not sure on what to do on the middle of the road at night by themselves in a car when you see a creepy person in a clown suit in front of your car.

 Whats happening is most clowns will usually wont be a threat and will not be a killer but the rare ones are mostly the killer clowns, but the clown attacks at night have been happening more likely, but we aren't really sure why but are possible answers are probably because they're just playing mindful jokes and when it happens in a real life situation with just a random person they might feel threatened and might even resort to picking a fight, but just to clarify if you are a clown do not go out side or attempt to approach a random person and try to scare that guy because you would really be in a hostile situation and theirs even been some replies for examples "a woman was so terrifyed when she encountered a clown in her car that she was too afraid to drive away and instead of calling police she even describe it as a nightmare you can't escape".

It's  really scarring the community and recent news has been saying that if you are in a clown suit will be shot at police risk if you are planing to harm someone or even if you are just playing a joke this is at your own risk for the clown and for you so if you see a clown please remember your life is at risk your choices determine if you are gonna make it out of this situation.

By Jeremiah

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